DMCC Company Formation
Approximate Processing Time
- License: 2-3 business days
- Establishment card: 3-5 business days
- Visa application process: 7 business days
- E-channel: 24 hours
About DMCC
Benefits of DMCC license
- Ideal for the trading of precious metal, gems and diamond
- DDE Vault – world renowned secure diamond vault for storage
- Flexi-desk up X visa for service activities
- Wide range of office locations and types
- Located in the heart of Dubai with easy access to public transportation
- 100% exemption from corporate and income taxes
- A comprehensive range of business activities
- Zero foreign currency restrictions
- 100% business ownership and capital repatriation
- Online portal for services
Types of business license:
To set up a business in Dubai that involves the buying and selling of goods, you need to obtain a trading license. This license can cover companies in import and export, sales, general stores, etc. It offers the highest degree of flexibility & freedom to operate a business.
This license type is issued to businesses engaged in manufacturing activities that transform natural materials and resources into final products. This license covers industries such as gold and precious metals manufacturing.
This license type is issued to businesses that are service providers, artisans or craftsmen. Examples of companies that apply for this type of license include medical services, beauty salons and repair services.
Popular business activities
at DMCC:
- Commodities exchanges
- Business Support Firms
- Professional Services Companies
- Marketing Companies
- IT Companies
- Logistics & Shipping Companies
- Banking & Finance
- Insurance
- Recruitment Agencies
- Food & Beverage Distributors
Formation Procedure for Companies in DMCC
Starting a DMCC Company Formation is a streamlined and straightforward process. Here are the basic steps involved in the Company Registration In DMCC Free Zone:
Choose Your Business Activity
Prepare the Required Documents
Submit the Application
Obtain Your License and Establishment Card
Visa Application
By following these simple steps, you can set up your company in one of the world’s most prestigious free zones.
Get Started with DMCC Company Formation Today!
Ready to take your business to the next level? Company Registration In DMCC Free Zone offers unmatched benefits and opportunities in Dubai’s thriving business environment. At BSP Hub LLC, we’re here to guide you through every step of the DMCC Company Formation process. Whether you’re a startup or an established company, our team will ensure a smooth and successful registration.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you set up your business in DMCC and take full advantage of this world-class free zone.